GROK Knowledge Base: Requesting an Article

There may be broken links in this article, the GROK staff has been notified and is working to resolve the issue.

To request for a Grok article, you must have an active myLSU login available. You can also request to change or update an existing article in the Grok system. The articles offer technical support for anything that is LSU related. 


Requesting A New Article:

1. Login to the myLSU webpage

logging in to myLSU


2. Navigate to the following webpageEnter your username and email address first, and then enter your request for the article in the comments text box. 

using the grok article request page


3. Click Submit Request to finish the process. 


Requesting Article Edits:

On any existing Grok article, you can review and request that it be changed if it is not up to par. **You need to be logged into myLSU to request an edit on a Grok article. 

1. Navigate to the specific article that you wish to have changed on the Grok website. 

2. At the end of the article, there is a feedback option that you can use. To give feedback, enter your email address first. If you do not enter your email address, there is no way that we can get in touch with you after the fact. 

3. Enter your concerns on the article in the Comments text box. You can also give the article a rating out of five stars. 

giving feedback on a grok article


4. Click Submit to complete the process. 


Referenced from:

1/24/2024 11:54:02 AM