LSU Faculty & Staff: Request a Mainframe ID

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Mainframe access is generally limited to university employees.

Request a Mainframe Logon ID

  1. Login to the myLSU Portal.
  2. Navigate to Computing Services | IMS/TSO Account Request.
  3. Approximately 24-hours after you submit your request, you will be able to set your own password via the myLSU Portal, under "Personal Preferences" | "Password Management".
  4. Your use of this Logon ID must be in accordance with PS-121 (Acceptable Use).  Secure / Encrypted Access to the LSU Mainframe Systems may be accomplished using Host-on-Demand.
  5. Mainframe access to administrative applications is granted by the departments having the custodial responsibility for the particular records. For assistance or problems using a particular administrative application, please contact the appropriate university office (Payroll for payroll, registrar for student related systems, etc.).


Mainframe Menu Data Stewards

A Data Steward is responsible for the management of the enterprise data at LSU.  These are the people responsible for granting access to mainframe menus such as SRR, GLS, PAY, etc.  View a list of Data Stewards by System.

Canceled & Suspended Accounts

A Mainframe Account can be Canceled or Suspended due to the following reasons:

  • Inactivity; Any logon ID that has not been accessed in a certain amount of time will be suspended for inactivity. NOTE: A password reset may be required to activate the account.
  • HRM Separation; Any logon ID assigned to an individual in LSU's HRM database (paid by LSU Payroll) will be canceled if that individual is no longer in the database as a current employee.
  • Positional IDs; Sometimes a department has what we call a "Positional ID", where the logon ID is assigned to the individual because of their job assignment. When that individual departs, the logon ID may be canceled. When a new person is hired, the Restricted Security Officer contacts  the Account Coordinator with the LSUID of the new person, and the logon ID is uncanceled and reassigned to the new individual.
  • Guest Login Management; There are rare situations where an individual who is not in LSU's HRM database may be assigned a logon ID. Such logon ID will be assigned an expiration date, of no more than one year. Once the expiration date has passed, the logon ID can no longer be accessed. The Account Coordinator will confer with the Manager before extending any expiration dates.
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