Stolen/Missing Inventory Procedures

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Procedures for Lost or Stolen Inventory:

If a department determines that an item has been stolen from campus, it must be reported to LSU Police immediately. LSU Police will provide a copy of the Incident Report form to Property Management and the District Attorney's Office.  For items stolen from an offsite location, the local law enforcement in that area is to be contacted immediately and a police report obtained. 

The department must promptly submit an Asset Action Request form to Property Management as notice of the theft.  Upon receipt by Property Management, other agencies will be notified including LPAA, LSU Internal Audit and the Legislative Auditor. 

Thefts of any equipment that stores data must be reported immediately to the Network Operations Center (NOC).  Refer to PS-125 (IT Asset Management) for additional information.

Refer to Risk Management for additional reporting requirements for stolen property.


Referenced from:  LSU Property Management site

9/27/2023 2:13:36 PM