Force K2 Form Check-In
To Force a Check-In in K2:
1. In SQL Management Studio, run this SQL query to find the Form that has been checked out:
select * from [k2].[Form].AuditLog
For example, let's say I have a Form that has been checked out by Bob on 06-02-2014 at 12:47, then please copy the following:
ID = 4E04425C-58A1-4AB0-95AF-7D219235F381
2. In your K2 Database, browse to K2 -> Programmability -> Stored Procedures
-- If you want to Check In the Form *with* the changes that Bob has made, find the Proc named Form.aCheckInForm.
-- If you want to Check In the Form *without* the changes that Bob has made, find the Proc named Form.aUndoFormCheckOut.
3. Right click -> Execute Stored Procedure
4. Pass the values you copied above to the fields in question. Ex:
ID = '4E04425C-58A1-4AB0-95AF-7D219235F381'
*Please make sure* you use the single quotes before and after the ID (see above)
If everything goes well, the Form should be Checked In and you can refresh your K2 Designer to reflect the results.
11/9/2023 9:46:23 AM