IPv6: Configuration for Windows 7/8/10, Windows Server 2008 & 2008 R2

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This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

General Information

This article will provide information on setting up an  IPv6 configuration for the following Operating Systems:  Windows 78/10, Windows Server 2008, & Windows 2008 R2.

Once you Confirm that IPv6 is Enabled, you will be able to run the necessary commands to Configure IPv6 on the Computer.

Configure IPv6

Run the Following Commands in the Command Prompt Screen:

         NOTE*These steps require Administrator privileges. This may also require a reboot of your system.*

1. Open a Command Prompt (*See the below links for instructions on How to Open a Command Prompt.*)

2. Type:  "netsh interface IPV6 set global randomizeidentifier=disabled"  & press Enter.

3. Type:  "netsh interface IPV6 set privacy state=disable"  & press Enter.

4. Type:  "netsh interface ipv6 6to4 set state state=disabled"  & press Enter.

5. Type:  "netsh interface ipv6 isatap set state state=disabled"  & press Enter.

6. Type:  "netsh interface ipv6 set teredo disable"  & press Enter.


Referenced from: Microsoft 

2/27/2024 7:51:24 AM