When to Submit a UNI Online Work Order?

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Enter a UNI Work Order

1. Go to the following site: https://pcr360.lsu.edu/cc.

A UNI Work Order 


For Installs, RemovalsChanges & Moves
  For the Following:

A UNI Work Order


For the Following:
Cellular Devices
Network Connections
Port Changes
Wired Device
Cable Television
Active Directory
Change your Voicemail Password
Change the # of Rings Before Voicemail Picks Up
("Coverage Path")
Repairs to Existing Services



Call the Service  Desk at 578-3375 OR E-mail  servicedesk@lsu.edu OR
Enter the Request at itservice.lsu.edu

*Many of these requests may have fees or require a budget code to process.

Work Order Types

MIXED -Data & Voice: Request voice and data services simultaneously.

NIBS -Business: Request ability to view telecom reports.

NIDI -Data: Request activation and de-activation of data network jacks. This type is to be used if wiring exists.

NIMSI -Messaging & Server Infrastructure: Request standard services from the UNI Server Infrastructure Group.

NIMSI Hosting -Messaging & Server Infrastructure: Request enhanced services from UNI Messaging & server Infrastructure Group such as virtual machine hosting and TSSA contracts for device location in the Frey Data Center.

NINF -Network Facilities: Request services from Network Facilities. Fiber circuits, fiber cable, telephone cable and any other "outside plant" cable needs.

NINM -Network Maintenance: Request device configuration changes, firewall changes, bandwidth management changes, etc.

NIPG -Pagers: Request pager services.

NISE -Software Engineering: Request software engineering services for systems such as IPAD, DHCP, DNS, Network Monitoring System (NMS), and network graphing capabilities for your department.

NITV -Cable Television: Request cable television services.

NIVC -Voice: Request telephony services including teleconferencing, phone line adds, moves and changes where wiring exists, and voice mail (Modular Messaging).

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